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Endangered animal fur and products agent import process

Product information

  Name: Polar bear skin, Wolf skin, cougar skin and other animal fur


  Use: Sales。


  Features: Endangered species, need to handleCITES。


  Mode of trade: General trade


  Trading Country: Canada


  Price Terms:CIF


  Mode of transport: Air, Canada——北京。


Endangered animal fur and products agent import process

I. Operation process:


  This business isImporting endangered species productsThe business of。Get the foreign one issued by the clientAfter CITES, find out whether it is terrestrial or aquatic, then fill in the corresponding declaration form and go to different departments to declare。The specific process is as follows:


  1.First of all, it is to determine what the customer wants to import the goods, the correct Chinese name, English name, Latin name。The best customer has madeCITESAll right, have the client fax it over。If notCITES, then ask the client to issue CITES as soon as possible。


  2.With CITES, ask the customer to send a copy and apply for the import license according to the CITES of the foreign country。


  3.Signing agency agreements with domestic clients,


  4.Prepare to submit documents, including our company and agency qualification documents, application form, foreign CITES, etc., in triplicate。


  5.If it is wild terrestrial, submit it to the office hall of the Garden Bureau。


  6.Wait for the result, get the administrative permission, and then prepare the same document (plus an application), in one copy, to the endangered office, waiting for the endangered office to issue a certificate。


  7.If customers have requirements, or want to sell, they also need to handle signs, collection cards, etc。


  8.Endangered certificate is not necessarily to our company's consignee, if it is the actual receiving company, then we provide agency agreement, but also can declare, as long as it is not personal CITES there is no problem。


  9.For skins in Appendix 2, 3 copies of documents should be submitted, and for other products, including specimens, 4 copies should be submitted。

Ii. Precautions:


  1.Handling the endangered certificate business, pay attention to the declaration documents must not be wrong, otherwise it will be delayed for a long time。


  2.Tell if it's terrestrial or aquatic。


  3.Seize the time to handle, the intermediate process shall not be delayed。

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